Hitachi Energy

Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader with a combined heritage of almost 250 years, employing around 36,000 people in 90 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, the business serves utility, industry and infrastructure customers across the value chain, and emerging areas like sustainable mobility, smart cities, energy storage and data centers.

Hitachi Energy

Hitachi Energy serves customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future.

We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 40,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD.

At Hitachi Energy, we are championing the urgency of a clean energy transition, through innovation and collaboration. There are many pathways towards a carbon-neutral future – to tackle this global challenge, we nurture diverse global teams bringing authentic passion and enduring ownership.

Claudio Facchin , Chief Executive Officer of Hitachi Energy

Hitachi Energy is accelerating the evolution of the world’s energy system – with electricity as the backbone. Our industry-leading experience, deep domain knowledge and pioneering technologies continue to accelerate the global energy transition. Beyond technical innovation, we also look to our impact on societies and how we can improve lives and inspire others.

Across the world, we are building sustainable partnerships with customers, suppliers, industry partners, policy makers, academe, and communities. Watch the video above to learn more about Hitachi Energy and for more examples of how we collaborate with customers and partners to enable a sustainable energy future – for today’s generations and those to come.

About us

Sustainable energy future

At Hitachi Energy, we believe that delivering a sustainable energy future requires the evolution of a sustainable, flexible and secure energy system.

As more renewable power sources join to gradually replace carbon-based energy, we need to ensure our energy systems remain resilient, and become more flexible as they adapt to fast-changing demands and increasing decentralization.

Pioneering Technologies

We are a pioneering technology leader and continuously apply our deep domain knowledge, expertise across power and digital systems, and global industry experience to push new frontiers and develop smarter, stronger and greener innovations.

Today, our leading power and digital technologies, advanced automation systems and open digital platforms transform our customers’ businesses and deliver significant operational and business value. 

Partner of choice

We believe that the most effective solutions only come from collaboration and co-creation with the people closest to the challenges – our customers.

Our globally-connected team of world-class power experts are passionate about working in partnership, solving the tough challenges faced by utilities, industry and transport and infrastructure as well as the communities they serve.

Today, our leading power and digital technologies, advanced automation systems and open digital platforms transform our customers’ businesses and deliver significant operational and business value.

Shaping Our Sustainable World

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