Paving the way for progress

Cocoa, gold and oil, coupled with political stability, has placed Ghana in the top tier of African economies, but the quality of the infrastructure hasn’t quite kept up. That’s about to change.

High growth momentum, fuelled by an increase in the price and production of cocoa, gold, and oil has consistently placed Ghana among Africa’s 10 fastest-growing economies and transformed the West African country, according to the World Bank: “In 30 years, real GDP growth has quadrupled, extreme poverty dropped by half, and Ghana has moved to a Lower Middle-Income Country status.” Infrastructure is crucial to economic growth and quality of life for citizens, since better roads allow more people to participate in the economy and reduce congestion and pollution. Ghana’s Ministry of Roads has initiated several road upgrade projects, two of which are financed by EKN and The Swedish Export Credit Corporation (SEK): “Streets of Accra” and “Streets of Tamale”, which entail surfacing of local roads and construction of drainage systems, with QGMI Group as chief EPC contractor.

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Paving the way for progress